David Nicholson Reserve
One of the motivating factors at TheBourbonFinder is to dig through a distillery’s portfolio, and try all of their products. We’ve put in effort with brands like Willett to get as many of their brands as possible and try them all in a larger format lineup review. In digging through the offerings from Lux Row Distillers, we wanted to check out their David Nicholson Reserve. Today we have chance to do just that, so let’s have a look!

So here we have the David Nicholson Reserve, a high-rye bourbon that’s purportedly and extra-aged product from the David Nicholson lineup to expand upon their 1843 expression. In looking at the David Nicholson website we see some of the backstory on the 1843:
In the private back room of a grocery store on North 6th Street in St. Louis, Missouri, unbeknownst to its forefather, a legacy was born. The store’s owner, David Nicholson, created the famed ‘43’ bourbon recipe. Little did he know that his recipe would be passed on and passed down, remaining unaltered for almost two centuries.
Still possessing the outstanding character for which it earned its original popularity in 1843, the David Nicholson legacy lives on unchanged, unfettered, and unmatched.
It’s no secret that both the 1843 and Reserve are expressions that are sourced, so I think we’re in for some familiar flavors here. If you checked out the Daviess County livestream I did with Jay (from t8ke.review) where we dug into the relaunched Daviess County Bourbon from Lux Row you’re already familiar with where this is sourced. Enough about that, let’s dig in!

Tasting Notes…
Nose – Somewhat light. There’s a notable sweet honey vanilla note that brings a touch of classic bourbon oak.
Taste – Mouthfeel is light, mild, and sort of thin. It hits the palate nicely with sweetness and a background nuttiness. It’s sweet in something of a praline or nut-brittle way that’s not necessarily savory, but leans that way. I like it.
Finish – Just a medium finish at most. There is a touch of rye spice, but it isn’t pronounced. The proof carries nicely through this sip, though, and it’s not drinking hot. The finish is pretty straightforward in that it moves down the road from sweet to a light spice with oak and rolls off. It does leave you wanting another sip, which is the important takeaway.
Bourbon Finder Grade: C+
Final thoughts…
This is a nice offering, and while it doesn’t move the needle or totally floor me, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think it’s approachable and tastes fine. If this were available on shelves locally, I’d probably grab it from time to time to bring along to small gatherings as a way of bringing familiar flavors but with a new bottle and some history to discuss while sharing a pour.
TheBourbonFinder thanks Lux Row for graciously providing us a sample of their product. Being able to try new things in the whiskey space, without strings attached, is an opportunity we greatly appreciate. Per our review ethos, we provide objective reviews and commentary on media samples of spirits and products; remember, friends, these are the good old days of whiskey!

Our grading system: As mentioned in our About Us page, we’re excited to share bourbon with our friends, family, and readers. There are enough critics, cynics, and curmudgeons in the whiskey world as it is, so our goal is to foster the bourbon community in a positive way by bringing fun and entertaining content whenever possible–as such–we decided that applying precise scores to whiskey was simply too serious for us (and didn’t accurately showcase variability in taste from day to day). We use a simple grade school system to apply a grade to the whiskeys we review because we feel it is indicative of the whiskey’s grade for us on that particular day. A grade of a “B” today may very well be a “B+” or even a “B-” on another day, so rather than focusing on a precise score today that may not stand the test of time, we are just sharing our overall grade of that pour for that one tasting. Pour a bit and enjoy, friends, these are the good old days of whiskey!
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