Still Austin Straight Bourbon (The Musician)
For this Craft Corner review, we’re going to check out the new Straight Bourbon offering, dubbed “The Musician”, from Still Austin. The Texas distillery is making their bourbon from 100% Texas-grown grains, and utilizes the slow-water reduction method to age their distillate. Interesting stuff–but more on that later. For now, let’s have a look!

Texas certainly seems to be growing rapidly in the craft whiskey world. The extreme temperature swings certainly sound as though they would lend to faster aging of spirits, at least on paper. That much makes sense. Here is the link to Still Austin’s website to see what else they’re saying about this product. Below is some information provided via their press kit to describe the art on the label.
The figure on the new label dubbed “the Musician,” is the first in the series, which will grace the labels of future spirits. These are visual representations of archetypes, a way of conceiving a “new Austin mythology” by celebrating the innovative people who make the city what it is. The Musician—along with future archetypes like the Naturalist, the Writer, the Visionary, and the Artist—illustrates the fearlessness needed to become truly unique.
Still Austin Press Info
Interesting discussion points there, and it sounds like they are planning well into the future for additional releases with similarly appointed labels. Earlier I mentioned the aging, so let’s circle back to that.
The slow-water reduction system sounds extremely interesting in many ways. I’m not sure if the idea scares me, or excites me. I have to admit that part of my mind feels like the addition of water could impact the overall mouthfeel or final product due to being proofed-down whilst aging, and therefor unable to show it’s true character…and then other parts of my mind want to explore how the added water can open up the spirit as it ages and potentially improve the overall quality of the bottled whiskey.
Tasting Notes…
Nose – Sweet corn and caramel, not unlike a kettle corn from a fair. There’s a hint of oak and nutty vanilla.
Taste – Impressive for it’s age. There’s still some graininess, but this doesn’t taste young or harsh at all. The mouthfeel is perhaps a touch thin, but the flavors all work. Very classic caramel and vanilla show up first before a bit of depth and toasted nuts come through.
Finish – On the shorter side of medium. The flavors hang on for a while and while the nuts and oak take control at the end, it leaves you wanting another sip.
Craft Corner Evaluation: Ready
Final thoughts…
I find myself reaching for The Bourbon Finder’s official stamp of “Ready” on this bottle. I’m impressed with what they’ve done in just a little over two years with this bourbon. More and more craft whiskey from Texas seems to be proving that good distillate aged in quality barrels can produce a nicely balanced bourbon in just a few short years. Looking forward to seeing Still Austin expand their product line in the years to come.
TheBourbonFinder thanks Still Austin for graciously providing us a sample of their product. Being able to try new things in the whiskey space, without strings attached, is an opportunity we greatly appreciate. Per our review ethos, we provide objective reviews and commentary on media samples of spirits and products; remember, friends, these are the good old days of whiskey!

Our Craft Corner Evaluation: As mentioned in our About Us page, we’re excited to share bourbon with our friends, family, and readers. There are enough critics, cynics, and curmudgeons in the whiskey world as it is. Our goal is to foster the bourbon community in a positive way by bringing fun and entertaining content whenever possible. As such, we decided that applying precise scores to whiskey was simply too serious for us. While there isn’t a true definition of the Craft Whiskey category, we want to explore spirits from brands who identify as “Craft” with a system that indicates if the spirit is “Ready, Close to Ready, or Not Ready” as a means of dictating how close the spirit is to being on par with offerings from major distillers within the same price range. Pour a bit and enjoy, friends, these are the good old days of whiskey!
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