The Judgement of Westland

American single malt producer Westland has set out to prove a point.  What point do they aim to prove?  They want to express to whisky fans that “No One Owns Single Malt”.  Sounds like a tall order, right?  Let’s take a look at this two-part series (hosted on Weekly Whiskey) to find out more.

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.


John H.


Press Release


January 18th, 2022

American single malt producer aims to prove “No One Owns Single Malt”…

Part one of the live event can be watched below — in this segment we introduce Chris Riesbeck and Steve Hawley from Westland Distillery, and allow them to outline this event for the audience.  There is a live tasting and even a discussion on where the whiskey in this event came from.

When you hear the term single malt, what comes to mind? Whatever the answer, it’s unlikely to be along the lines of whiskey coming from Seattle, Washington. Right? Westland Distillery wants to change that. And, they’re walking the walk. See below to hear more from Westland on the event.

Since 2010, Westland has been the flag-bearer of America’s contribution to that conversation. Ten years in, do we measure up? The pundits give us high marks, but has Westland, and America, truly earned a seat at the table? It is not for us to claim; it is for you to decide.

It is time for the Judgement of Westland.

For centuries Scotland set the standards in single malt whiskey. But today, there is a sea change underway. New voices have emerged to challenge the sanctity of tradition. At Westland we believe that the merits of a single malt should not be determined by where the distillery sits on a map but instead be judged by the integrity of its intention and the excellence of its execution. We believe that all fine single malts should be equally considered as valid points in the global conversation that defines them.

Westland Distillery

Below is the livestream event for the grand reveal of the single malts involved in The Judgement of Westland.  If you’re reading this before January 19th, there’s time to see the event live (at 9PM on the 19th).  If you’re reading this after January 19th you can view the replay of the event below.

Final thoughts…

It was a real pleasure to work with Westland in hosting this event.  Sipping along with the more than 250 participants and working directly with the brand to share their mission and objectives was both an honor and a blast.  I’m looking forward to more single barrel opportunities with Westland and what the future for American single malt in general. Cheers!

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